Traders Conference
17-18 December 2022
Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Venue: Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai
Gain the applicable knowledge and trading insights to enhance your trading.
Bharat Jhunjhunwala, MFTA, CMT, CFTe, MSTA
Founder - ProRSI
Milan Vaishnav, CMT, MSTA
Founder, ChartWizard FZE, Gemstone Equity Research & Advisory Services
Asmita Patel
Founder - Asmita Patel Global School of Trading
Raja Venkatraman
Co-founder - NeoTrader
Jyoti Budhia
Technical & Derivative Analyst
Roshan Sequeira
Co-Founder - Quantower India
Rahul Sarawagi
Co-Founder - 5 Circles
Mohit Kumar, CFA
Head of Trading - Delta Exchange
Rajesh Srivastav
Professional Derivatives Trader
Deepak Thakur
Founder - Tradecops
Abhishek Kar
Trader & Investor
Aditya Iyer, CMT
Co-founder -NeoTrader
Conference Sessions
Speaker – Bharat Jhunjhunwala
- Identify strong breakouts.
- Enter accurately to get multi fold return on a trade.
- Protecting profits by trailing positions.
- Keeping the process simple without cluttering charts with indicators.
Speaker – Milan Vaishnav
- Understanding Basics of Relative Strength.
- Understanding Basics of Relative Strength.
- Examining Global Asset Classes – measure their relative performance
- Spot Leading Asset Classes
Speaker – Asmita Patel
Speaker: Jyoti Budhia
- Understanding Open Interest of Futures and Options.
- Understanding IVR.
Importance of IVR.
Using IVR and data to find critical points of reversal.
Speaker: Roshan Sequeira
- Introduction to Order Flow.
Importance of Price, Volume, Delta & Cumulative Delta.
Spotting Aggressive Buying & Aggressive Selling.
- Interpreting the Buy & Sell Imbalances, Delta Divergence and Absorption.
- Introduction to Power Trades.
- Creation of trading strategy using Order Flow and Power Trades.
Speaker: Rahul Sarawagi
- Decode the Right Entry point.
- Triple Confirmation before entering trade,
- Are you losing money in options? Figure out why.
Breakouts – Revealing Truth, understand breakouts better.
Speaker: Mohit Kumar
Speaker: Rajesh Srivastav
- How to detect market positioning ahead of the price move.
- Decode market positioning.
- Learn to follow the institutional footprint.
Speaker: Deepak Thakur
Speakers: Raja Venkatraman & Aditya Iyer
- Importance of Co-relating Events with Price Action in your Methods
- Why Multi timeframe Analysis is becoming increasingly popular
- How Artificial Neural networks is Changing the World
- Need for a Holistic Solution